Monday, October 6, 2014


Dear One,

Have you not read the promises?  Do you not trust in the only one who is able to fulfill them?  Then rest in that.  What He has begun, He will complete.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Journey

Dear One,

There will be pain and struggle in this journey.  The path is steep and filled with peril.  Be cautious, Dear One.  Guard your heart.  The enemy seeks after you.  The enemy would destroy you.  He hungers after your destruction like a roaring lion.  Keep your eyes on the Father, Dear One.  Keep to the narrow path and do not fear the difficulties.  The Father guards your steps and makes your paths straight.  Only He can keep you from stumbling, from falling into danger.  Be wary, Dear One, but not fearful, for you are safe in His keeping.

1 Peter 5:8-9
Isaiah 46:4

What Does the Father Ask of You?

So, my Dear One,

You have received the overwhelming love and healing the Father extends to us.  You have chosen to follow Him and serve him all of your days.  Yet, you find yourself wondering what does He require of you?

He would have you act justly and fairly toward others and even toward yourself.  He would have you love mercy and forgiveness just as He does.  He would have you extend such to others just as they have been extended to you.  He knows how hard this is, but it is good and right.  The Father would have you walk humbly and without pride in His ways.  To follow in His steps in such a way that others would wish to follow, too.  These are the things that He asks, Dear One.

Micah 6:8

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Dear One,

Do you not know that the real battle is within you?  Your old nature and your new are at odds and the struggle that is waged to control your thoughts and actions no less than all-out war.  You must decide, must choose which side you are going to work for each moment of each day.  But take heart; you will never struggle alone.  The war may be waged within your heart and soul and mind, but the end is assured, the price paid in full and victor is the Lord.  He will never leave you or forsake you and will be with you until the end of our days and always.